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AstroGraph TimePassages Chart Report

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Learn about yourself through your chart with a deeper astrological report! Any piece of jewelry by Natal Star Necklaces, an Astrograph report seller, comes with an intro report, composed of your Sun, Moon & Ascendant. If you find yourself wanting more info, customize your full natal report or additional types & receive a digital copy. All reports are insightful, well-written tools for self-growth.

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There are five illuminating and beneficial report types running about 30 pages:

Natal Report: This one describes your essential being, nature and personality and comes with any new jewelry purchase. You may wish to buy additional reports for others.

Transit Report: This one examines your evolving self through the parts of you being triggered or highlighted based on the relationships between where the planets and points are now and where they were when you drew your first breath. You can order transits for three, six and twelve months, starting any day.

Compatibility Report: This one analyzes the perceived strengths and weaknesses of key relationships in your life, interpreting the inter-aspects between the two natal charts, using the synastry method.

Relationship Report: This one analyzes the perceived strengths and weaknesses of key relationships in your life, investigating the relationship itself, fusing the two natal charts into one relationship chart, using the composite method.

Solar Return Report: This one is good for birthdays because it forecasts the year ahead, from your upcoming birthday to the next. You can order your solar return every birthday for spiritual insight and evolutionary guidance for the year ahead, or your can order one for any past year to investigate what you've lived through.

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